People, process and technology alignment
in Business - 04 Apr, 2015
by Dan Holtshouse - no comments

In the process of keeping Xerox’s large fleet of copiers and printers working in customer’s environments, the service representatives would occasionally be faced with a new problem that they had not been trained for or had not seen before. Sometimes the problem, due to a new machine bug or a replacement part not working quite […]

in Business - 04 Apr, 2015
by Ken Wheaton - no comments

In 2010 Art Murray and I were asked to do a presentation at the Special Libraries Association’s annual conference in New Orleans. It was based on our article published in KMWorld magazine titled “Rise of the Knowledge Librarian” about my experiences spearheading the transformation of a traditional corporate library into a center of knowledge and […]

in Business - 04 Apr, 2015
by Ken Wheaton - one comment

The owner of a local cafe where I get coffee and breakfast on the weekend decided to have different themes in the cafe every weekend. Last weekend it was the 50’s, this weekend the 60’s, next will be the 70’s and etc. Staff were required to dress for the theme and music of the time […]